We are seeking nominations of mid-career CS faculty who would benefit from attending a leadership academy, with an in-person component on February 20-21, 2025, held in Washington D.C. The CRA Leadership Academy will address the following themes:
Why be a leader?
What types of leadership positions are there, and how do you get one?
When should you think about leadership opportunities in the arc of your career?
What mindsets and skills are important in leadership positions?
Approaching promotion to full professor or recently promoted in a North American academic unit that is a member of the CRA. (If you are in an academic unit that is not a member of CRA, attending the CRA Leadership Academy is possible if space exists with a non-member registration fee. Contact Janine Myszka at jmyszka@cra.org if interested in learning more.) Self-nominations are welcome. You will be notified by the CRA Leadership Academy Program Committee if selected.
Nominations will close 11:59pm ET December 13, 2024.